
Making a Donation

We are always delighted when people choose to donate to Community Friends and do all we can to make this easy.

To download a Donation Form, open the box to the right of the page:

By Standing Order

We are happy to take payments by Standing Order and these can be found on the Membership Application Form

To download a Membership Application Form, open the box to the right of the page:

By Post or in Person or PayPal 

If you are visiting the Charity then donations can be made in person.

Alternatively, cheques, payable to:       Community Friends

Postal Address:

          Community Friends

          c/o 3 Oak Road


          BH8 8TB

In Person or PayPal please contact:

The ChairmanCommunity Friends

Telephone:   07811 467360


Specific Donations

Who to Donate to - do you want to make a specific donation?

We are happy to take specific donations for any specific cause.

Alternatively, you can choose to donate to the Charity without indicating a preference.

The Trustees will always ensure donations are spent in accordance with your wishes and the charitable status of the Fund.

Leaving a Legacy The Community Friends feel very honoured when people chose to remember us by way of a bequest.

As a Charity, any such legacy is free from inheritance tax.   


Gift Aid If you are a UK tax payer then the value of your donation could be increased by 28p in the pound. All you have to do is sign a Gift Aid Declaration click here for more information   

To speak to someone about making a kind donation to The Community Friends please contact: The ChairmanCommunity Friends

Telephone:    07811 467360
